lunedì 20 febbraio 2012

Get Lo-Fi Quad Oscillator Kit with Mods

 I rehoused the Get Lofi Quad Oscillator Kit in a cool round military box.
I also added some mods:
1- Power Starve Mod
2- AMZ2 tone control
3- Switch to put the output from the oscillators not into the AMZ2 input but into pointB (this way you get lots of bass, the tone pot acts like a volume pot and the presence pot alters the oscillations of the the four oscillators)
4- I didn't need a volume pot so I put a cap betwwn 1 and 2 of the tone pot and now this pot is a cool hi pass filter and the presence control works both as a presence and influences the oscillations much better, especially when the starve is at 3/4.
this is a quick demo

and this is another unit with different caps, a band pass filter, a different starve, and a pot wich influences oscillation oddly ....
Quad Oscillator Kit di Get Lo Fi rialloggiato in un contenitore per cibo dell' esercito svizzero e modificato dal sottoscritto.
Ho aggiunto un power starve ed un circuito di tono/presenza AMZ 2 il cui schema ho trovato qui
ho preso l' uscita degli oscillatori e con uno switch decido se fargli fare il il percorso "normale" cioè direttamente dentro l' AMZ2 dal suo ingresso naturale oppure se farlo entrare nel circuito nel punto segnato come B.
In questo mdo si ottengono un sacco di basse in pù ed il controllo di tono funge da volume, mentre quello di presnza influisce sul cicuito degli oscillatori variando le oscillazioni.
Però avere di un potenziometro di volume non me ne fregava nulla ... allora ho aggiunto un condensatore tra l' 1 ed il 2 del potenziometro del tono, in questo modo tenendo il potenziometro aperto il suono è come se il condensatore non ci fosse, con il pot a metà corsa si applica un passa alte e chiudendo il potenziometro il passabasse diventa un po più cattivo.
Col condensatore il controllo di presenza è più efficace e continua ad influenzare gli oscillatori, ma lo fa in maniera più pesante soprattutto quando il pot di starve è attorno ai 3/4.

Questa è una veloce demo
e queso invece è kit ma con modifiche diverse:
condensatori più grossi, filtro passa alte, uno starve diverso ed un potenziometro che agise sulle oscillazioni...

giovedì 3 novembre 2011

Live @Twiggy Cafè
13 Novembre 2011
ore 21.30

Rainstick Cowbell

Scott Arbogast, in arte Rainstick Cowbell, emerge dal suo studio sotterraneo di Portland, Oregon con nuovi pezzi che cantano di amare esperienze. Attingendo dallo stesso pozzo creativo di Joe Pug, M. Ward, Billy Bragg, Woodie Guthrie, and Jeremy Enigk, Rainstick Cowbell compone un messaggio ermetico ed urgente.
Armato solo di una chitarra acustica, porta in tour in Europa il suo secondo album “Self, Assemble”.
Arbogast è una miniera di emozioni umane, soprattutto dolore, sofferenza e rabbia, interpretate da una voce insolita, definita come adolescenziale e androgina, ma che in qualche modo riesce ad amalgamarsi perfettamente con testi molto personali ed evocativi.
Rainstick non ti permette di dimenticarsi di lui mentre è sul palco, attira su di sè tutti gli sguardi imponendo la potenza delle sue stesse emozioni.

In apertura Tsuna.

Alle spalle si lascia l’esperienza quinquennale come chitarrista degli Enter K e prima ancora come bassista della loro precedente formazione, gli Strange Brew.
Il suo primo album autoprodotto è lavoro diretto e spontaneo, ma nello stesso tempo ponderato e incisivo come sembra essere la natura di Tsuna che viene espressa tramite una scelta di sonorità dark wave e gloomy rock.


venerdì 9 settembre 2011


Lately we passed days surfin' you tube and vimeo looking for videos about crazy modules so we can't wait to see the full documentary but if we want to see it, well we could help them some how...
they' re looking for funds here:

so go help some modular bos!

Our Story

I DREAM OF WIRES: THE MODULAR SYNTHESIZER DOCUMENTARY will take you on a journey into the obscure, but highly influential world of modular synthesizers.  Learn how it revolutionized music from the pioneers that were there, why it quickly became obsolete, and how it has become all the rage again.  Our aim is to create a definitive document on the modular synthesizer revival, and we need your help to make it happen.  Please watch the promotional trailer and see some of the amazing people we've already interviewed; and that's just the beginning...

Please note: I DREAM OF WIRES is the same film/project previously known as MODULAR THE DOCUMENTARY. We are aiming to conclude filming before summer 2012, with a fall/winter 2012 ETA for the completed film.

The Impact

I DREAM OF WIRES started off as a modest exploration of the passion and obsession of a few designers, manufacturers, collectors and musicians, but interest in the film has convinced us that there is a demand for a comprehensive documentary that will explore, both geographically and thematically, the wide ranging influence of the modular synthesizer. So far, the entire production has been conceived, shot, edited, and financed by one person, director Robert Fantinatto.  Response to the film's in-progress promotional trailer, recently posted to YouTube, has been overwhelming enthusiastic, sometimes verging on fanatical! Synthesizer forums have been abuzz with commentary, and the most common response has been people suggesting who must be interviewed, that there needs to be more. The modular synthesizer community has responded to the quality of the trailer, and are now determined that this project is destined to be the ultimate modular synthesizer documentary. In order to transform this modest documentary into something definitive, we are asking the synthesizer community, and fans of electronic music at large, to help us reach that goal by contributing a financial pledge to the project.

What We Need & What You Get

We need to raise $30,000 to continue shooting along the U.S. and Canadian West Coast, as well as in Germany and the United Kingdom. Director Robert has been joined by producer Jason Amm, and your contributions will help to pay for travel and production expenses for this 2-man operation. We will also need to license historical film footage, photos, and to clear music rights.  Finally, the film will be need to be color corrected and mixed to ensure an optimal presentation. Please note that while $30,000 is our goal, any money raised beyond that goal will be put to great use; more money means more opportunities for us to travel to further locations, and more budget for post production. This will ultimately result in more content! Although the film will be roughly 90-120 minutes, we will be looking for fun and innovative ways to create and share extended interviews and bonus features.

We have put together several different packages, so that even the most modest contribution will net you a DVD copy of the film, including many extra features like directors commentary, stills archive, extended interviews and deleted scenes.  For those who want more, we have other packages available, including everything from the full-length original soundtrack, by Ghostly International recording artist Solvent, to T-shirts, buttons, and even a deluxe, hand-assembled DVD-R-boxset, limited to 50 copies.  For those who want to partner with us as a full-fledged executive producer, we have an ultimate package, including a screen credit to acknowledge your role in creating this important historical document.

Other Ways You Can Help

Please help spread the word about I DREAM OF WIRES, and our IndieAGoGo fund raising campaign, by posting info on your Facebook page, and on relevant blogs, forums and email newsgroups. Additionally, if you have leads (ie, direct contact info) for people that we may potentially want to interview for the film, please send those our way, via info [at] idreamofwires [dot] org. For example, if Richard D James is your buddy and you think you can hook us up with an interview with thee Analord, we are definitely open to that kind of thing! Vince Clarke, Joel Zimmerman, Trent Reznor, Hans Zimmer, Billy Corgan, Richie Hawtin, if you are reading this, we would love to hear from you!

lunedì 21 febbraio 2011

The FUTURE of Guitar Pedals

Well, we are great fans of boutique /handmade pedals, there's a lot of cool manufacturers and wonderful sounding pedals out there, but nothing seems to be so innovativative like theEFECTOR 13 CONSOLE II
the idea came out of the vulcanic mind of the "Empress of Fuzz" also know as Devi Ever.
She started the biz with Effector 13, created legendary pedals (Truly Beautiful Disaster, Vintage Fuzz Master, Improbability Drive ) used by great musicians like Nine Inch Nails, then she created a new brand, Devi Ever FX, and everyone thought that Effector 13 was dead forever.
Effector 13 is back with a kick ass new project!
Basically the Console is a modular pedal, you can change the cartridges and with just one console you can have all the pedals you want!
Yes, because The Console is a platform, a standard on wich other manufacturers can work, this is the complete list of the developers as of today

So you have a wide choice of different fx and brands just like a modular synth or just like the API Lunchbox.
This is great in the studio but also on stage because you can change the right cartridge for the job very quickly without plugging and unplugging cables and you can also invert the order of the carts in five seconds and the carts are much smaller and lighter than pedals!
But more than words can videos ... this is Devi presenting her new creature

The Console can pre ordered contacting Devi on her site, we warmly suggest to visit
because is full of great Fuzz Pedals and the Forum section is a world wide community of fuzz lovers, very very nice people there!

mercoledì 9 febbraio 2011

Out of the winter, into the Spring(s) - Ekdahl Moisturizer the most inspiring spring reverb in town.

3 exposed touchable/playable Springs
an analog filter
an LFO
a vintage looking enclosure
loads of tweakability
cool optional mods
DIY ethics
that's the Ekdahl Moisturizer!

Ok, you could say, but why should I use it?

- Well first of all use it as a stereo spring reverb!
You can filter the frequencies you don't like with the on board analog filter, and you can get that old school reverbs with guitars, synths, vocals etc. and modulate the sound touching  the springs ... your body will act as part of the circuit and feel the EEEEEEELECTRIIICIIITYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! of the spring running through your veins.

- Second turn on the Feedback function and play it like a synth

- Third you can use it as noise maker, just play the springs and have fun

- Fourth connect it to your analog synth via the CV I/O on the back and fly on your psychedelik trip to saturn ...
you don't believe me?
listen here:

Not enough, want more?
this is the demo of the smart DIY mods suggested by Knas

and these are the Moisturizer MODS clearly explained.
So needless to say that we are in love with this crazy unit ... 
and we are not alone, Mr. Richard Devine agrees with us:

The Ekdahl Moisturizer, experiments with slinky coils. from Richard Devine on Vimeo.

Sell your digital reverb 
to some tacky plastic guy 
and get moisturized!

lunedì 7 febbraio 2011

Death to digital - BISCUIT // OTO

We love Analog sounds
We adore Tubes
We like physical controls
We are into organic electronics
We wanna dusty and crackling pots
We wanna feel the electricity of analog gear
We wanna dirty fat vintage sounding units
We hate the perfection
We hate the polished coldness of Digital
that's why the only digital sounds we like are the destroyed ones.
The only digital fx we like are bit crushers beacuse they convert analog into digital and then blasts the digital information just as it deserves and send it back crushed, distorted and destroyed to the analog domain... our favourite Bit Crusher is the OTO Biscuit it also has an analog Filter after the DAC,

check out what it can do with a guitar and a simple delay

Frack Off Digital!